New Expectations On Inflation, Interest Rates, and Gold

New Expectations On Inflation, Interest Rates, and Gold

Inflation is up, high interest rates are here to stay, and gold is pulling demand from every corner of the market.

American Card Holders Fall Further Behind On Monthly Payments


When To Expect The First Interest Rate Cut


Interest Rate Cuts May Come Sooner Than Expected As CLO Delinquencies Rise

Interest Rates In 2024: First Outlook

Interest Rates In 2024: First Outlook

Over the last couple months, trading in interest rate futures has yet again predicted an earlier first rate hike in 2024.

Rising Tech Layoffs Could Lead To Improved Profitability

Rising Tech Layoffs Could Lead To Improved Profitability

According to data from, 2022 saw 164,969 tech layoffs across 1,063 companies. In 2023 thus far, that figure has grown to 249,354 layoffs across 1,113 companies which represents a 51% increase in tech employee layoffs.

Rising Tech Layoffs Could Lead To Improved Profitability

According to data from, 2022 saw 164,969 tech layoffs across 1,063 companies. In 2023 thus far, that figure...

Yet Another Outlook For Interest Rates

On Thursday October 19th, Federal Reserve Chair, Jerome Powell, suggested that the central bank is inclined to hold rates...

Countries With The Highest Investment Risk

In addition to political and economic risk, a country’s legal and default risk must also be analyzed. The following...

Is The Stock Market Worth The Risk With Interest Rates Above 5%?

If market participants feel that over the next few years the S&P 500 will return less than 5% per...

The FTC’s Commitment To Slow Down Capitalism

In 2017, Lina wrote a paper in law school arguing for the breakup of the Amazon, claiming that the...

The One Month of The Year Where Fed Days Average Out To Be Market Declines

There is only 1 month out of the year when Fed days turn out to be negative days for...

The Giants of Consumer Spending, Gen Z and Millennials, Are Set To Fall Off

Gen Z and Millennials are often shamed for their reckless spending on goods and services but that spending helps...

Job Insecurity Is Starting To Spread Amongst Consumers

The Federal Reserve Bank of New York’s August Survey of Consumer Expectations found that, on average, nearly 15% of...

One of Many Outlooks For Interest Rates

Inflation has been trending lower throughout 2023 but the strong jobs market, and consumer spending, has made the Fed...

Your Vote

AI is a machine’s ability to perform the cognitive functions we associate with human minds, such as perceiving, reasoning, learning, interacting with an environment, problem solving, and even exercising creativity. You’ve probably interacted with AI even if you didn’t realize it—voice assistants like Siri and Alexa are founded on AI technology, as are some customer service chatbots that pop up to help you navigate websites. - McKinsey & Company

In the last 20 days, have you used AI technology to solve an everyday problem?

A Few More Bricks in the BRICS Raptor

A Few More Bricks in the BRICS

The BRICS intergovernmental organization gained more strength in August through the addition of 6 nations.





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