The Top 3 Traders That Act As Leading Indicators
Stocks & ETFs

The Top 3 Traders That Act As Leading Indicators

These top 3 traders have built up significant notoriety through successful stock and option positions and thus have been able to attract many followers to their positions, further inflating that position’s value.

Small Cap Stocks With Bright Futures Begin To Decline On Higher Rate Expectations


U.S. Investors Get Bullish On The Stock Market


Navigating Market Turmoil: How The Taiwan Earthquake Impacted Asian Stocks and FX Trading

Japanese Yen Outlook & Market Sentiment: USD/JPY, EUR/JPY, GBP/JPY

Japanese Yen Outlook & Market Sentiment: USD/JPY, EUR/JPY, GBP/JPY

Although all of the above is bullish for the Japanese Yen (JPY), it will take some time to work its way through international markets and have an affect on bond yield differentials.

U.S. Oil Prices Move Higher & That Could Be The New Norm

U.S. Oil Prices Move Higher & That Could Be The New Norm

Oil prices are up more than 20% YTD and it doesn’t look like there will be a break in prices until interest rates come down. However, that break will likely be short lived.

Navigating Market Turmoil: How The Taiwan Earthquake Impacted Asian Stocks and FX Trading

Following safety checks, most manufacturing businesses were able to start production again after just a 1 day lull. This is...

How Airbus Stole The Skies From Boeing

Looking for a new way to compete with Boeing’s speed (which will later be identified as negligence), Airbus decided to...

Searching For The Edge, Chapter 9: Patience and Observing Intraday Prices

We’ve all heard that one trader say, “knowing my luck I’d buy it and it would start going down”. In...

Donald Trump and Truth Social Will Go Public Via DWAC

Truth Social going public at a valuation of around $5 billion means its largest shareholder, Donald Trump, will add billions...

The Top 3 Front Runners To Buy TikTok

This likely leaves Bytedance (TikTok parent) only one option, a sale of its U.S. operations.

Best Stock Trading Platforms For Beginners – March 2024

The best stock trading platforms for beginners can and should be ranked by location, below you’ll find the best stock...

Insider Scoop: Everything You Need to Know About NVIDIA’s Blackwell GPU

Nvidia’s CEO, Jensen Huang, has announced new AI chips and software for running next gen AI models. The new AI...

Searching For The Edge, Chapter 8: Technicals, Fundamentals, And Other Hidden Gems

These patterns are some of our favourite which we tend to use all the time because the potential upside outweighs...

Berkshire Hathaway Cash Balances Are Telling A Story

Berkshire Hathaway reported a record high cash balance at the end of 2023 to the tune of $167.64 billion which...

Your Vote

AI is a machine’s ability to perform the cognitive functions we associate with human minds, such as perceiving, reasoning, learning, interacting with an environment, problem solving, and even exercising creativity. You’ve probably interacted with AI even if you didn’t realize it—voice assistants like Siri and Alexa are founded on AI technology, as are some customer service chatbots that pop up to help you navigate websites. - McKinsey & Company

In the last 20 days, have you used AI technology to solve an everyday problem?

Interest Rate Cuts May Come Sooner Than Expected As CLO Delinquencies Rise Raptor

Interest Rate Cuts May Come Sooner Than Expected As CLO Delinquencies Rise

This does beg the question of “how long can the Fed hold off on its first interest rate cut?”





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